pilates    gyrotonic


Mercedes Villanueva is the house Pilates and Gyrotonic personal trainer and originator of IKIGAI Studio.

Mercedes was born in Bilbao, Spain in 1966 and studied classical dance at the Conservatorio Superior de Danza de Madrid. Followed by several years of engagement with the Ballet Béjart in Lausanne, she has lived and worked as a choreographer, performance artist and teacher in Zurich since 1999.

Working under the direction of Maurice Béjart fertilized her profoundly as an artist.
The challenges as a dancer and the experience of performing and teaching around the world enrich Mercedes nature to this day.

As a personal trainer for Pilates and Gyrotonic, Mercedes started teaching in 2010 and founded IKIGAI Studio in the heart of Zurich Seefeld in 2021.

Diploma Conservatorio Superior de Danza de Madrid
M.A. Tanzpädagogik ZHdK
Dipl. Pilates Master Trainer, Lausanne
Licenced Gyrotonic Expansion System Teacher
current education Tibetan Cranial

Mercedes teaches in English, Spanish, French and German


Basically, the Pilates Method comprises a balanced training of the body and mind. It is a holistic physical method involving muscle stretching and strengthening as well as posture improvement. The Training encompasses specific exercises for the deeper lying muscles (belly, back and pelvic floor) responsible for a healthy posture and high performance. Thus the body is systematically trained and balanced.

The basic principles of the Pilates Method are perception, coordination, centering, control, flow and precision as well as the improvement of respiration and of the functioning of all organs.

Pilates offers an effective training, suitable for men and women of all ages and physical conditions. All exercises are adapted to the individual constitution and executed in flowing movements without interruption.


The Gyrotonic Method is a unique movement method that addresses the entire person by opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion, improving strength and movement efficiency.

With Gyrotonic exercises, each movement flows into the next, allowing the joints to move through a natural range of motion without jarring or compression. These carefully crafted sequences accompanied by corresponding breathing create balance, efficiency, strength and flexibility.

Gyrotonic Expansion is suitable for everyone who enjoys light dancing movements and wants to go beyond their movement horizon.


Hornbachstrasse 23 – 5th floor, 8008 ZH →

Bank details
Mercedes Villanueva
IBAN: CH15 0900 0000 6109 5098 1

Tram 2/4, Bus 33 to Fröhlichstrasse

Mobile +41 (0)78 888 03 01
